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So far tradeviewexchange has created 26 blog entries.

Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |March 25th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, MARCH 268:30 am Chicago Fed national activity indexTUESDAY, MARCH 279 am Case-Shiller home price index10 am Consumer confidence indexWEDNESDAY, MARCH 288:30 am GDP8:30 am Advance trade in goods10 am Pending home salesTHURSDAY, MARCH 298:30 am Weekly jobless claims8:30 am Personal income8:30 am

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |March 18th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, MARCH 19 None scheduled TUESDAY, MARCH 20 None scheduled WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21830 am Current account deficit10 am Existing home sales2 pm FOMC announcement 2:30 pm Powell press conference THURSDAY, MARCH 228:30 am Weekly jobless claims9:45 am Markit manufacturing PMI (flash)9:45 am Markit services

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |March 11th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, MARCH 122 pm Federal budgetTUESDAY, MARCH 136 am NFIB small-business index8:30 am Consumer price index8:30 am Core CPIWEDNESDAY, MARCH 148:30 am Retail sales8:30 am Retail sales ex-autos8:30 am Producer price index10 am Business inventoriesTHURSDAY, MARCH 158:30 am Weekly jobless claims8:30 am

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |March 5th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, MARCH 59:45 am Markit services PMI10 am ISM nonmanufacturing indexTUESDAY, MARCH 610 am Factory ordersWEDNESDAY, MARCH 78:15 am ADP employment8:30 am Trade deficit8:30 am Productivity Q48:30 am Unit labor costs Q42 pm Beige book 3 pm Consumer creditTHURSDAY, MARCH 88:30 am Weekly jobless

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |February 25th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, FEB. 268:30 am Chicago Fed national activity index10 am New home salesTUESDAY, FEB. 278:30 am Durable goods orders8:30 am Core capital equipment orders8:30 am Advance trade in goods9 am Case-Shiller home prices10 am Consumer confidence index10 am Jerome Powell testimony WEDNESDAY, FEB. 288:30 am

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |February 18th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, FEB. 19Presidents' Day None scheduled TUESDAY, FEB. 20None scheduled WEDNESDAY,FEB. 219:45 am Markit manufacturing PMI (flash)9:45 am Markit services PMI (flash)10 am Existing home salesTHURSDAY, FEB. 228:30 am Weekly jobless claims10 am Leading economic indicatorsFRIDAY, FEB. 23None

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |February 11th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, FEB. 122 pm Federal budgetTUESDAY, FEB. 136 am NFIB small-business index11 am HouseholdWEDNESDAY,FEB. 148:30 am Consumer price index8:30 am Core CPI8:30 am Retail sales8:30 am Retail sales ex-autos10 am Business inventoriesTHURSDAY, FEB. 158:30 am Weekly jobless claims8:30 am Empire state

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |February 4th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, FEB. 59:45 am Markit services10 am ISM nonmanufacturing indexTUESDAY, FEB. 68:30 am Foreign trade deficit10 am Job openingsWEDNESDAY,FEB. 73 pm Consumer creditTHURSDAY, FEB. 88:30 am Weekly jobless claimsFRIDAY, FEB. 910 am Wholesale tradePlease exercise caution ahead of announcements like these,

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |January 28th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, JAN. 298:30 am Personal income8:30 am Consumer spending8:30 am Core inflationTUESDAY, JAN. 309 am Case-Shiller home prices10 am Consumer confidence index10 am Home ownership rate WEDNESDAY, JAN. 318:15 am ADP employment8:30 am Employment cost index9:45 am Chicago PMI10 am Pending home sales2 pm

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |January 21st, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. next WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, JAN. 228:30 am Chicago Fed national activity indexTUESDAY, JAN. 23 None scheduled WEDNESDAY, JAN. 249:45 am Markit manufacturing PMI9:45 am Markit services PMI10 am Existing home salesTHURSDAY, JAN. 258:30 am Weekly jobless claims8:30 am Advance trade in goods10 am New home sales10 am Leading

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