
Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |February 11th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, FEB. 122 pm Federal budgetTUESDAY, FEB. 136 am NFIB small-business index11 am HouseholdWEDNESDAY,FEB. 148:30 am Consumer price index8:30 am Core CPI8:30 am Retail sales8:30 am Retail sales ex-autos10 am Business inventoriesTHURSDAY, FEB. 158:30 am Weekly jobless claims8:30 am Empire state

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Drop the Stop.

By |February 8th, 2018|

Hogs headed lower, stop going too. Yesterday I mentioned that I was putting in a stop recommendation for our Lean Hogs trade. I am lowering the stop from 72 to 71. Hogs are trading at around 69.200 right now. I recommended shorting Hogs on 01/08/18 at the open price of 76.250. If we get stopped out at 71.000, we will have a $2,100 profit per contract. I still see lower prices ahead. More news to come after I run the algos this weekend.These are generally short term trades (1-6 weeks) using the

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Popped Corn.

By |February 7th, 2018|

We took corn off the table Monday for a tasty snack. While the algos point to a higher close this Friday, I decided to take profits on Monday. The Corn trade was good for a quick six point pop. This was a $300 profit. We have managed to avoid the carnage in the indices and are looking to take profits on the short Lean Hogs trade. Lean Hogs are getting slammed again today, so I recommend locking in some profits by placing a stop at the 72 level. We got in at 76.250, so this gives us a nice profit

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |February 4th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, FEB. 59:45 am Markit services10 am ISM nonmanufacturing indexTUESDAY, FEB. 68:30 am Foreign trade deficit10 am Job openingsWEDNESDAY,FEB. 73 pm Consumer creditTHURSDAY, FEB. 88:30 am Weekly jobless claimsFRIDAY, FEB. 910 am Wholesale tradePlease exercise caution ahead of announcements like these,

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Money Talks…

By |January 30th, 2018|

Three trades exited today at a profit. Per my post yesterday, three trades were profitable today. Sugar was stopped out at the 13.50 level resulting in a profit of $1702 dollars. Soybean Oil returned $360 and the Russell resulted in a $785 dollar profit. All in all, the total is $2,847 dollars.Here is a new trade for the week. To receive full access to the Portfolio Optimizer, AI Forecast, and the Long Shot Report, be sure to subscribe today.01/29/18 - Coffee - Enter Long - Exit To Be

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |January 28th, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. this WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, JAN. 298:30 am Personal income8:30 am Consumer spending8:30 am Core inflationTUESDAY, JAN. 309 am Case-Shiller home prices10 am Consumer confidence index10 am Home ownership rate WEDNESDAY, JAN. 318:15 am ADP employment8:30 am Employment cost index9:45 am Chicago PMI10 am Pending home sales2 pm

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Take Two Off The Table

By |January 28th, 2018|

Taking two new trades from last week off with a profit. I just ran the portfolio optimizer and checked the AI forecast. Two trades from last week's Long Shot Report are profitable and ready for an exit. I am looking to take profits on Soybean Oil and the Russell 2000 tomorrow morning. The AI reports suggest that the markets will reverse this week. Exact profit will be announced after tomorrow's open. I still have a stop in at 13.50 and if Sugar continues down, I will trail it with the stop. Last

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Events that Matter and Why – Economic Releases

By |January 21st, 2018|

Depending on the product you trade, the impact of each of these releases will vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. next WEEK'S MAJOR U.S. ECONOMIC reports in Eastern Time MONDAY, JAN. 228:30 am Chicago Fed national activity indexTUESDAY, JAN. 23 None scheduled WEDNESDAY, JAN. 249:45 am Markit manufacturing PMI9:45 am Markit services PMI10 am Existing home salesTHURSDAY, JAN. 258:30 am Weekly jobless claims8:30 am Advance trade in goods10 am New home sales10 am Leading

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Five Card Draw…

By |January 21st, 2018|

Five new trades this week. Lots of new opportunity as trade action heats up. I just ran the portfolio optimizer and checked the AI forecast. It looks like we have five good new trades to get into. While all are listed in the Membership Section, I have shared a new one on the blog today. In addition, Sugar continues to look short. I have a stop in at 13.50 and if Sugar continues down, I will trail it with the stop. If it reverses, I will be out with a nice profit. Either way, it works for me.Here

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Sugar Crush. Sweet as Candy…

By |January 19th, 2018|

Sugar slammed again! Sugar was slammed again today and I love it! Maybe I am getting greedy, but my plan has changed. I am going to hold the trade tomorrow and use a trailing stop to get me out. For those of you that are happy with your profits from 12/4, go ahead an get out tomorrow. If you want to squeeze the trade, I recommend placing a stop at 13.30 - 13.50 level. This market may have more to fall. I will have a better outlook over the weekend after reviewing the algorithm forecast.These are

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